Our Stats
Youth & Young Adults 782
Social Service, Healthcare, & Mental Health Providers, Educators 663
Law Enforcement, Corrections, Community Corrections, Probations, Juvenile Justice 890
Virtual Roundtable Discussions 2,921
Community Engagement 18,539
U-turn Symposiums & Conferences 644
Systems Training Data
Training attendees rate the knowledge, skills, relatability, and delivery method of our trainer as Excellent.
Training attendees rate the quality of our trainings as Exceptional.
Training attendees believe our trainings are Relevant to their profession.
Training attendees believe the information provided increased their awareness about community issues and resources.
Post-trainings, attendees stated understanding Backstories and Empathy are Very Important factors to improving civil discourse and meeting people where they are.
Teen Chat Series Data
Youth Participants rate the quality of our Teen Chat Series as Amazing.
Youth Participants rate the quality of our speakers during Teen Chats as Excellent.
Youth participants consider the topics discussed as Very Relevant to their life.
Youth participants stated that they would consider attending another Teen Chat series hosted by U-turn Youth Consulting.